Firetail, Hogwash, Tricia, Haunter Details

GhostMaster Pc

There are four restless spirits to lay to rest in the Ghost Master assignment Facepacks & Brooksticks: Hogwash, Firetail, Tricia, and Weatherwitch. Below is a list of their powers and a link to the Facepacks & Broomsticks Ghost Master Walkthrough.

Haunter Powers - Purchase Cost By Level

Level 1 - 50
Level 2 - 75
Level 3 - 100
Level 4 - 250
Level 5 - 500

Level 6 - 750
Level 7 - 1000
Level 8 - 1500
Level 9 - 2000
Level 10 - 2500

Complete listing of haunter powers and purchase costs.

Firetail - Fetter: Electrical, Fire

Sweat - Cut Lights
Roast *
Strange Behaviour
Bonfire *

Bonfire *
Human Torch *
Inferno - Wild & Crazy
Great Balls of Fire - Surge

Complete listing of powers and purchase prices for Firetail.

Hogwash - Fetter: Electrical

Fools Errand - Cut Lights
Blow Fuse *
Strange Behaviour

Blackout *
Wild & Crazy
Surge *

Complete listing of powers and purchase prices for Hogwash

Tricia - Fetter: Mirror

Shattered Nerves
Twist Reflection *
Ethereal Gift *

Macabre Reflection *
Clone *
Loathsome Aspect
Trojan Gift - Psychotic Rage

Complete listing of powers and purchase prices for Tricia.

Firetail, Hogwash, Tricia: Additional Resources

Having troubles with this assignment? Freeing Firetail, Hogwash, & Tricia, while avoiding the witches' powers can be a challenge. Check these walkthroughs:

Facepacks & Broomsticks Walkthrough

Facepacks & Broomsticks Video Walkthrough

Check out our detailed walkthrough and video walkthrough for Facepacks & Broomsticks from Ghost Master featuring Firetail, Hogwash and Tricia.