Calamityville Horror Video Walkthrough

GhostMaster Pc

Welcome to our Video Walkthrough for Calamityville Horror from Ghost Master. Below the video you'll find additional information and tips, as well as links to our original walkthrough.

Detailed video walkthrough for the Ghost Master assignment Calamityville Horror.

Calamityville Horror Video Walkthrough Summary

As far as assignments go, this one can get frustrating fast. It's a game of patience and luck. But if you keep these few points in mind, you can get it done right:

1. A Quake will set up all 3 spirits for a quicker release.

Using the power Quake will make freeing all 3 of the restless spirits much easier. It will unblock the door for Maxine Factor, smash the wall hiding Arclight, and knock Static down the chimney.

Using fool's errand on females will make freeing Maxine Factor much easier when used with her Intrigue power.

2. A combination of Fool's Errand and Maxine Factor's Intrigue can really help.

3. Static is a quick one to free. Use Kinesis. It works in both possible fireplace locations.

Once static is knocked down to a position above a fireplace, the Kinesis power will free him in one shot.

Having Boo use his Rattle Chains power can attract someone to the basement. If the wall is broken, they will likely look through the hole and free Arclight.

4. Using Boo with Rattle Chains can help get someone down to investigate Arclight.

5. Once all of the haunters are free, a combination of Intrigue, Rattle Chains, and luck can help them discover the bodies faster.

Intrigue and Rattle Chains will help you attract people to discover the bodies much more quickly. It can also help you make sure they find the ones closest to the front door first.

Rattle Chains is helpful mostly for Arclight in the basement. But don't use it once someone is in the room, as it can interrupt the sequence that frees Arclight. Static isn't that much of a problem. The only real question is do you want him in the main floor fireplace or the one upstairs?

Maxine Factor is the hard one. A female must inspect the makeup kit. Intrigue will do the trick, if someone is close enough. Fool's Errand helps out a lot here. It can send someone to the makeup kit. Then hit Intrigue to seal the deal.

Here is the link to the original walkthrough and a link to Arclight, Maxine Factor, and Static in the Ghost Guide:

Calamityville Horror Walkthrough

Arclight, Maxine Factor, Static Haunter Details

YouTube Video Links

Our Ghost Master Calamityville Horror video walkthrough can be found on YouTube here:

Calamityville Horror Video Walkthrough - Ghost Master